Preseason News - 2024


Make sure your skater is registered as they will not be able to skate in the preseason sessions without being registered first. 

Neck Laceration Protectors:

Neck Laceration Protectors are required under USA Hockey rules for every practice and game. This rule will be enforced starting with our preseason skates. All skaters will be required to have a neck guard before they are allowed on the ice. Please ensure that you have purchased a neck guard before the first preseason skate. We are not able to allow any skater on the ice without a neck guard.


Please make sure that you have downloaded the Crossbar app and are entering your players availability for the preseason so that the coaches are able to play accordingly for how many players will be there.

Locker Room Monitors:

We will need parents to volunteer as Locker Room Monitors again this year. Volunteers will need to be SafeSport certified, which anyone who was a Locker Room Monitor may still have. Please verify that you are in compliance on your USA Hockey account. If you are able to assist, you will have to be in the locker room 30 minutes before the start of the preseason practice and will have to be in the locker room again after the practice. This is to ensure that all skaters have a safe environment to get ready for the practice. If you have any questions or are able to volunteer please reach out to Brian Juech at and let him know which date and session you are able to volunteer for. We will need 2-3 volunteers per session.

Female Only Locker Room:

We are working with the staff at Legacy 20 Arena (formerly Cap Ice) to ensure that we have a locker room available for our female skaters so that they have a space to get dressed if they wish to utilize it. Please make sure you check the boards when you enter to know which locker rooms will be used.

Questions or Concerns:

If there are any questions or any accommodations or assistance your skater needs, please contact Brian Juech at and he will work to assist you with this.